Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, tears, torture, and a little Jesus

Wow did I feel your prayers and encouragement today! I woke up this morning at 5am to NO PAIN!!! and no water in my room, you can't win them all (thank God I took a shower last night). I decided to start my day off on an encouraging vibe and listened to inspirational music before heading off to stretch class at 6am. The stretching was good and I think it really helped me later in the day. After stretch I went and had breakfast, same as yesterday scrambled eggs with turkey bacon and veggies and a slice of toast. I then went and duct taped my pinky toe to my other toes because I was staring to get a blister, which made me feel like an athlete! Then it was off to van two to hike.

Today we hiked in the same place Little House on the Prairie was filmed. It was HOT and there was not much shade. I stretched my calf muscle before we started and decided I would just breath and take it at my own pace. Last night I messaged some women from my church to pray for me specifically about the hike and received so many words of encouragement and love, my friend Betsy reminded me of breath prayers where you say a prayer while you take a breath. So as the hike got harder I breathed in "All things" and out "can be done through Christ Jesus" and this set the tone for my hike. I chugged along at the back of the pack but at the first hill the entire group cheered me on as I made it up the hill. I would stop and breath and they would yell "You can do it girl" and when I made it up there were high fives.

We walked down the hill and then up a very steep hill. To be honest I wanted to turn back. I had forgot about my breath and felt like I might just puke right there. But then the prayer came to my mind (in"All things" out "Can be done through Christ Jesus") as my group started to cheer again, "don't stop now, you got this!" "Sarah you are doing so good!"  It took me what felt like forever to get up that hill but I did it. We took some pictures, took a breath and then it was down the hill and off to the rest of the hike. As I was walking down the hill I was so proud of myself I started to cry. I did it! It was hard and uncomfortable and everyone could see my weakness, but I did it and it was safe and we all celebrated together.

As the hike went on and it got hotter and hotter the group started up another hill, I knew my limit and told my hiking guide if I go up that hill I will vomit, she said no big deal and instead we (the instructor, me, and another guest) walked around the hill. It took longer and was probably farther but it's what I needed and I felt very comfortable asking for what I needed. We then crossed a little stream that had this little wood plank bridge over it and then hiked for another 30 minutes or so until we got back to the vans. I could see the vans in the distance and I stopped to catch my breath when I did that I felt very woozy, my hiking instructor gave me some electrolytes in the form of a gummy and I was off again. Then out of nowhere there was a breeze and I was so grateful and felt that the Lord was truly providing me this respite and as I walked my breath prayer became in "Thank you" out "Lord". I was one the last people to get to the van but I finished the entire hike and I felt exhausted and great.

When we got back and I was walking to my room I thought I am not going to the next class I am so hot and still feel gross! But I got into my room collapsed on my bed and 3minutes later got up changed my clothes and went to another stretch class, which KICKED MY BUTT!!! The instructor was amazing and after class she went online with me and helped me find some yoga classes in Little Rock that she thought would be a good fit, Floating Lotus here I come!

Then lunch, salad and bbq chicken pizza, then we had a cooking demonstration by the chef here who is awesome. I learned how to make turkey stroganoff and greek chicken soup. The cooking demonstration ran late so I was a little late to Total Toning, but got there just in time to start my work out. We had stations around the room that involved squats with weighted bars, squats with resistance bands, free squats, as well as burpies and some ball throwing; between each station we had to run around the gym. It was crazy hot and I felt faint again but I did not leave class I just ran in place and then right back to my station when it was time. Then we had snack carrots and peanut butter and then Cardio Intervals.

Here is the torture part! The air was out in the cardio gym. It was 3:15 in the afternoon with no air and we had to do cardio intervals, which means increasing your speed and resistance as you run on a machine. I have never wanted to say no to something more in my life! It SUCKED! But the people I was working out with and the instructor were awesome. We were all hot and all grumpy but we did it. The women on the treadmill next to me kept pushing me to do more and more and I did. I did not push myself to my limit, but I pushed myself and have four days to reach my limit. I finished a nasty sweaty mess and quickly went back to my room to change for pool class.

It was so hot that the pool was PACKED! We worked out hard and when I got tiered a member of my group would inspire me to push even stronger. After an hour in the pool sweating, which I did not know was possible, there was a optional water zumba class. I was totally going to go back to my room, but one of my "purps" (we are team purple so we call ourselves the "purps") said, "you are staying right?" I said, "I am not sure" and he said, "Well what are you here for? " And that was it,  I stayed and thank God I did.

The instructor was darling. He was a little Latino dancer that could shake and move like no ones business! The class was SO FUN! He would teach us a sequence and then play the music and we would dance our butts off in the water. I laughed and smiled the whole time, at an hour extra work-out who am I? Then at the end of class he jumped in the pool and had us all hold hands and say "I am beautiful, I am handsome, I am unique, and I deserve to be healthy!" So here I am after working out for hours with tears flowing down my eyes under my sunglasses, because I really believed every word!  Then back to the room to change again and off to dinner of gluten free beef burrito and a big salad with grilled pineapple for dessert.

Today I rooted myself in my faith. I drew strength from my family and friends to accomplish what seemed like a never ending hot day of moving. I cried tears of pride, not for others but for myself. I learned that breath is life and when you do it, do it with intention. And I danced in the water with joy in my heart and health as my goal.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man...good stuff. The fact that you are still able to type amazes me. Love your writing, thanks for sharing! You are awesome! ~CC
